Specializing in greenhouse
produced hydroponically grown
Fresh Cut Tulips!
Niagara Tulips Ltd. specializes in greenhouse produced hydroponically grown, soil free cut Tulips. We use no pesticides and the plants are clean for shipping.
Established in 2005 it is an international venture combining the knowledge and experience of tulip forcing from the Netherlands in a North American production facility. The Van Hell’s bring their experience and skills operating and managing a greenhouse in Canada and the Van Meer’s from Holland have many years’ knowledge and expertise of field bulb production as well as forcing hydroponic cut tulips in a greenhouse. Bulbs used for production are grown and prepared by the Van Meer Company, so there is a continuity of handling from beginning to the end product, for better quality flowers. This brings Dutch quality tulips closer to the North American market reducing product travel time and increasing flower freshness and shelf life for the consumer.
Niagara Tulips started their first season producing 6 million flowers. In the past years there have been continual innovations and improvements in the growing and processing systems. After several extensions to our facility, our production capability is now 30 million tulips per season.
The growing season begins in the fall and extends to the end of May, ending shortly after Mother’s Day.
Tulips are available in all possible colors: red, white, purple, yellow, orange, and pink, as well as several bi-colors.
Orders can be processed as the consumer requests with both wet pack and dry boxes available. Custom bunch sizes and pack sizes are also available. The production facility is located approximately 25 miles from the US border and shipments are transported on climate controlled trucks.
Copyright 2010 © Niagara Tulips Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Tel: 905.899.1325
Fax: 905.899.4581
General Email: info@niagaratulips.com
RR#1, 1199 Townline Rd.
Lowbanks, ON
CAN. N0A 1K0
Niagara Tulips Ltd.
Greenhouse produced hydroponically grown Fresh Cut Tulips!